
Inverse Matrix by Gauss Jordan Elimination

It finds N x N inverse matrix for a matrix which has NxN elements by Gauss-Jordan elimination method.

guass-jordan inverse A|I  to I|A-1

Gauss-Jordan elimination method

  • A, matrix has N x N elements
  • I, Identity matrix has N x N elements
  • A|I is a augmented matrix
  • Elementary row operation is applied to augmented matrix A|I and it transforms A|I into I|A-1.

Algorithm Steps for Inverse matrix by Gauss-Jordan Elimination

  Read Matrix A 
  form Augmented matrix,  A|I
  For i=1  To  N 
    For j=1 To  N

   IF  i not-equal j
           apply RowOperation.add(j,i ,-aii/aji) on augmented matrix A|I      
  divide  each row of A|I  by main diagonal elements, aii     


Gauss Jordan Inverse - Java programming code

public class Gaussjordan {

 Matrix mat;
 public Gaussjordan(double A[][]) {
    int row=A.length;
    int col=A[0].length;  
    mat = new Matrix(row,col+col);

   for(int r=0;r<row;r++) {
      for(int c=0;c<col;c++) 
          mat.setElement(r, c, A[r][c]);    
    for(int r=0;r<row;r++)    
      mat.setElement(r, col+r, 1);
 public void maxdiagonal() {
  for(int r=0;r<mat.getNrow();r++)  
       double mx=0; int mr=r;   
       for (int c=r;c<mat.getNrow();c++){ 
       if (  Math.abs(mat.getElement(c, r)) > mx ) {
           mx = Math.abs(mat.getElement(c, r));
           mr = c;
     if ( mr!=r )
       RowOperation.swap(mat, r, mr);           
 public void divbydiag() {
   for(int r=0;r<mat.getNrow();r++)  
      double idia = mat.getElement(r, r);    
      for (int c=mat.getNrow();c<mat.getNcol();c++){
        mat.setElement(r, c, mat.getElement(r, c) / idia); 
       mat.setElement(r, r, mat.getElement(r, r)/idia); 
 public void diagonalize() {      

     for(int r=0;r<mat.getNrow();r++) {             
        for(int r2=0;r2<mat.getNrow();r2++) {
            if ( r!=r2 ) { 
              double ratio= mat.getElement(r2, r) / mat.getElement(r, r);
              RowOperation.add(mat, r2, r, -ratio);          
 public Matrix inverse() {
  Matrix imat = new Matrix(mat.getNrow(),mat.getNrow());  
  for(int r=0;r<mat.getNrow();r++) {
    for(int c=0;c<mat.getNrow();c++) 
         imat.setElement(r, c, mat.getElement(r,mat.getNrow()+c));   
   return imat;
 public String toString() {
   return mat.toString();
 public static void main(String[] args) {
  double A[][]={{3,1,2},{2,-1,1},{1,3,-1}};
  Gaussjordan gj = new Gaussjordan(A);  
  Matrix imat =gj.inverse();
  System.out.println( "Inverse matrix A" );
  System.out.println( imat.toString() );
  Matrix mat = new Matrix(A);
  Matrix mat2=MatrixOpr.multiply(imat, mat);
  System.out.println( "Identity matrix" );
  System.out.println( mat2.toString() );


Gauss Jordan Inverse - Java programming output

 matrix A 
3.0  1.0  2.0  
2.0  -1.0  1.0 
1.0  3.0  -1.0 

Augmented matrix A|I 3.0 1.0 2.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 2.0 -1.0 1.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 1.0 3.0 -1.0 0.0 0.0 1.0
Inverse matrix A -0.1818181 0.636363 0.27272 0.27272 -0.45454 0.09090 0.63636 -0.727272 -0.45454
Prove I= A*A-1 Identity matrix I 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 -5.551E-17 0.0 1.110E-16 1.0


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