
Temperature Conversion between Celsius and Fharenheit

The java code carried out conversion between celsius and Fahrenheit

A switch case used to select choice of conversion , C2F (celsius to Fahrenheit) or F2C (Fahrenheit to celsius) and a input temperature value is given to the selected conversion process.

Fahrenheit to Celsius conversion formula
Fahrenheit to Celsius

celsiucs to fahrenheit conversion formula
Celsius to Fahrenheit

This example  shows how to calculate use these temperature conversion formula

Given     Fharenheit F = 76 and find celsius C = ?

               C  = ( 76 -32)  x  (5/9)

                    =  44 x 0.555

               C  = 24.442

Given     Celsius C = 24 and find  Fharenheit F =?

               F  = (9 x C) / 5   +  32

                    =  (9 x 24) / 5  + 32

                   =   216 / 5  + 32

                  =   43.2   +32

                F  =   75.2

import java.util.Scanner;

public class Cel2Fah {

 public static void main(String[] args) {

          System.out.println("Temperature Conversion 
                           (Celsius - Fharenheit) \n");
   String menustr="1- C2F n2- F2C n";
   System.out.println("Select Choice");
     Scanner sc = new Scanner(;
     int choice =sc.nextInt();
     double cel=0.0,fah=0.0;
  switch ( choice ) 
     case 1:
   System.out.println("Enter Celsius value ");
   cel = sc.nextDouble();
   fah = 9.0*cel/5.0+32;
   System.out.println("Fharenheit :  " + fah);
     case 2:
   System.out.println("Enter Fharenheit value");
   fah = sc.nextDouble();
   cel = (fah-32)*5.0/9.0;
   System.out.println("Celsius :  " + cel);


Temperature Conversion (Celsius - Fharenheit) 

1- C2F 
2- F2C 

Select Choice
Enter Celsius value 
Fharenheit :  98.6

Temperature Conversion (Celsius - Fharenheit) 

1- C2F 
2- F2C 

Select Choice
Enter Fharenheit value 
Celsius :  35.55555555555556


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