
Java CommandLine Argument

It explains how to read arguments from commandline and how to use it in adding two numbers program.

CommandLine Argument

  • The inputs passed along with the program execution start up command are called commandline aruguments
  • example - java CommandArgs 10 20
  • java - interpreter start executing a program
  • CommandArgs - It is program need to be executed by the interpreter.
  • 10 20 - These are commandline arguments passed to the program.
  • A main function of the program receives these commandline arguments as a string array parameter.

CommandLine Arguments - Java program

The java program reads two inputs from command line, sum it and prints the result.


public class CommandArgs {
   public static void main(String[] args) {
   int a = Integer.parseInt(args[0]);
   int b = Integer.parseInt(args[1]);
   int c = a+b;
   System.out.println( " Sum of Two numbers :" +  c );


CommandLine Arguments - Compile,Execution and Output


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