
Java program Factorial Number

A result of series of multiplication from 1 to factorial F is called factorial number F

Factorial Number - Example

    for example, a factorial number denoted by 5! 
               (postfix exclamation symbol with digits)    

     find equivalent decimal value for given a factorial number 5! 

                   5!  = 1 x 2 x 3 x 4 x 5
                   5!  = 120 

Factorial Number - Pseudocode

  • Read a positive integer F
  • set sf = 1
  • For n= 2 to F
  • sf = sf * n
  • End for
  • print sf

  • Factorial number - Java code

    The Java program finds factorial value for a number. The program reads a positive integer from user while running and returns factorial value as result of the it.

    import java.util.Scanner;
    public class Factorial 
    public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException
          System.out.println("Find a factorial value for given number );
          System.out.println("Enter a value  ");
          Scanner sc = new Scanner(;         
          int F= sc.nextInt();
         int sf=1;     
         for (int n=1; n<=F ; n++) {
          sf *= n;  
         System.out.println("Factorial "+F+"!=" + sf );         

    Factorial number - Java program output

    Find a factorial value for given number 
    Enter a value  
    Factorial 5!=120


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