
Decimal to 8 bit binary conversion

The number system conversion from decimal into binary is carried out by arithmetic operators, modulus and divider. The conversion program has to be given a decimal value which must be in the range from 0 to 255 and it returns binary 8 bits as a result of the conversion.

Decimal to binary 8 bits conversion - Steps

Given a decimal value, decval and converts it into binary 8 bits

  1. modulus decval (the given decimal value) by 2, it returns a reminder ( 0 or 1)
  2. divide decval by 2, it returns a quotient
  3. the quotient becomes the decval
  4. and repeat step 1 to 3 for 8 times
  5. the reminders on each iteration is results binary 8 bits

Decimal to binary 8 bits conversion - Example


      Given decimal value = 143 ,convert it into binary 8 bits         
         divide the decimal value by 2 returns a quotient and reminder, 
              the returned quotient becomes decimal value for next division by 2

      divider | quotient | reminder 

         2 | 143  
         2 | 71   | 1
         2 | 35   | 1
         2 | 17   | 1
         2 | 8    | 1
         2 | 4    | 0
         2 | 2    | 0
           | 1    | 0

     decimal value 143 =  binary 8 bits 10001111. 


Decimal to binary 8 bits conversion - Java programming code

The Java program converts a decimal value between 0 and 255 into binary 8 bits. It reads the decimal value from user at runtime and returns binary 8 bits as result.



public class Decimal2Binary 

     public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
     InputStreamReader dis =new InputStreamReader ( );
     BufferedReader br =new BufferedReader(dis);
        final int nbits=8;
 System.out.println(" Decimal to 8 bit Binary Conversion \n");
 System.out.println("Enter decimal value");    
        String  inpstr = br.readLine();
 int decval = Integer.parseInt(inpstr); 
 StringBuffer strbuf =new StringBuffer();
 for(int n=0;n<nbits;n++) 
      strbuf.append( decval % 2 ) ;
      decval = decval /2;
   System.out.println("Binary bits :" + strbuf.reverse());


Decimal to binary 8 bits conversion - Java program output

Decimal to 8 bit Binary Conversion 

Enter decimal value
Binary bits :01000011


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