
Matrix Determinant, Matrix Adjoint and Matrix Inverse

The Java program implements following three important matrix operation in this code. and these operation is applied on a square matrix size of 3x3. They are,

  • Matrix Determinant
  • Matrix singular or not
  • Adjoint matrix
  • Matrix Inversion
  • AA-1 = I
  • (A-1)-1 = A

Matrix Determinant - algorithm

matrix A - a matrix size of 3x3
A-cofactor(0,c) - read cofactor matrix of 0th row and cth column of the matrix A

      set M[] =0
      set D=0
      Read matrix A
        For c=0 : A-column
            matrix cf = A-cofactor(0,c)     
            M[c]=cf[[0][0]*cf[[1][1]  -   cf[[0][1]*cf[[1][0]

        For c=1 : A-column
           D = D + pow(-1,c+0) *M[c]

         print "determinant" D 

Matrix Inverse - algorithm

matrix A - a matrix size of 3x3.
determinant(matrix A) - function finds and returns determinant value of the matrix A.
adjoint-matrix(matrix A) - function finds and return adjoint matrix of the matrix A.

      Read matrix A

        D = determinant(matrix A)  
        IF D== 0 
             print "matrix A is singular matrix" 
             print "and so matrix A is not invertable"

          matrix adjA = adjoint-matrix(matrix A)
          matrix A-1  = 1 /D * ( adjA )    

        print A-1 

Matrix Determinant Adjoint Inverse - Java program

The Java program class has the following 3 static membership function to finds determinant value of a matrix 3x3 and adjoint of a matrix 3x3 and inverse of a matrix 3x3.

The three static membership functions are

  1. determinant - The function/method which takes a matrix object as an argument, finds determinant of the matrix and returns determinant value as the execution result.

  2. adjmatrix - The function/method which takes a matrix object as an argument, finds adjoint of the matrix and returns an adjoint matrix object as the execution result.

  3. inverse - The function/method which takes a matrix object as an argument, finds inverse matrix of the matrix and returns an inverse matrix object as the execution result.

public class MatrixOpr2 {

  public static double determinant(Matrix mat) 
      double det=0;
      double M[] = new   double[mat.getNcol()];
     for(int c=0;c<mat.getNcol();c++)
          Matrix cmat=mat.cofactor(0, c);
          M[c] =(cmat.getElement(0,0)* cmat.getElement(1,1) - 
          cmat.getElement(0,1)* cmat.getElement(1,0)) ;       
      int r=0; 
      for(int c=0;c<mat.getNcol();c++)
        det = det + Math.pow(-1, c+r)*mat.getElement(r, c) * M[c]; 
    return det;
  public static Matrix adjmatrix(Matrix mat) 
     Matrix adjmat =new Matrix(mat.getNrow(),mat.getNcol());  
     for(int r=0;r<mat.getNrow();r++)
      for(int c=0;c<mat.getNcol();c++) 
          Matrix cmat=mat.cofactor(r, c);
         double val= Math.pow(-1, c+r)   
                           * ( cmat.getElement(0,0)* cmat.getElement(1,1)
                          -    cmat.getElement(0,1)* cmat.getElement(1,0)) );
         adjmat.setElement(r, c, val);   
      return adjmat;
   public static Matrix inverse(Matrix mat) 
       double det=MatrixOpr2.determinant(mat);
        Matrix adj=MatrixOpr2.adjmatrix(mat);
        Matrix tadj=adj.transpose();              
        Matrix imat= Scalar.divide(tadj, det);       
       return imat;  
   public static void main(String[] args) 

      double val[][]={{3,1,2},{2,-1,1},{1,3,-1}};
      Matrix A=new Matrix(val);  
      System.out.println("Input Matrx :");
     double det=MatrixOpr2.determinant(A);
     System.out.println("Determinant of Matrix  A");  

     if (det==0) {
        System.out.println(" Matrix A is singular ");    
     Matrix adjmat=MatrixOpr2.adjmatrix(A);
     System.out.println("nAdjoint Matrix of A :");
     Matrix Ai=MatrixOpr2.inverse(A);
     System.out.println("nInverse Matrix of A:");
     Matrix A2=MatrixOpr2.inverse(Ai);
     System.out.println("nInverse Matrix of A1 =A :");
     Matrix I=MatrixOpr.multiply(A, Ai);
     System.out.println("nIdentity Matrix : AA1=I");


Matrix Determinant Adjoint Inverse - Java program Output

Input Matrix A
3.0  1.0  2.0  
2.0  -1.0  1.0  
1.0  3.0  -1.0  

Determinant of Matrix  A

Adjoint of Matrix A 
-2.0  3.0  7.0  
7.0  -5.0  -8.0  
3.0  1.0  -5.0  

Inverse Matrix of A
-0.18181818181818182  0.6363636363636364  0.2727272727272727  
0.2727272727272727  -0.45454545454545453  0.09090909090909091  
0.6363636363636364  -0.7272727272727273  -0.45454545454545453  

Prove that (A-1)-1= A
Inverse Matrix of A-1  
2.9999999999999996  1.0  2.0  
2.0  -0.9999999999999997  0.9999999999999999  
1.0  2.9999999999999996  -0.9999999999999997  

Prove that AA-1=I
Identity Matrix I 
1.0  0.0  0.0  
0.0  1.0  -5.551115123125783E-17  
-1.1102230246251565E-16  1.1102230246251565E-16  1.0  


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