
Signed and Unsigned Decimal to Binary number

It explains how to converts a number from decimal number (base 10) to binary numbers (base 2). The decimal value can be a unsigned (positive) or a signed (negative) decimal numbers. The binary operation, 2's complements used in conversion signed decimal value to binary.

signed decimal to binary conversion

signed/unsigned decimal to Binary Conversion - algorithm

  • Initialize binary-bits array
  • Read a decimal-value (positive or negative)
  • value2 = abs(decimal-value)
  • binary-bits = converts value2 into binary
  • IF decimal-value >= 0
  •    print binary-bits
  • ELSE  binary-bits_2'sc = take 2's_complement on binary-bits
  •    print binary-bits_2'sc

unsigned decimal to Binary Conversion - example

   The given positive decimal value is  decval=5; converts into binary  4 bits             
        decimal to binary 4 bit conversion steps
              1. bits = decval % 2;  
              2. decval = decval/2

           bits[4]  = 5  % 2  = 1;  decval = 5/2 = 2
           bits[3]  = 2  % 2  = 0;  decval = 2/2 = 1
           bits[2]  = 1  % 2  = 1;   decval = 1/2 = 0
           bits[1]  = 0  % 2  = 0;   decval = 1/2 = 0

      IF the decimal value is positive , no need 2's complement operation     
           then conversion result is binary bits = 0101              

signed decimal to Binary Conversion - example

   The given negative decimal value is  decval=-5; converts into binary  4 bits             

        decimal to binary 4 bit conversion steps
              1. take abs(decval)
              2. bits = decval % 2;  
              3. decval = decval/2
           decval=abs(decval) =5

           from above positive decimal to binary conversion  
                    bits[1-4]  = 0101  

  IF the given decimal value is negative, then takes 2's complement operation 
                                                 on converted binary bits
        2's complement on binary bits steps
            1. take 1's complement 
            2. binary addition  - add 1 with 1's complement result 
         Decimal to binary conversion results bits = 0101

            1's complement on bits 0101  = 1010

            add 1 with 1's complement results

                  2's complement =   1011 
       signed decimal value -5 binary bits is =1011              

signed/unsigned Decimal To Binary Conversion - Java program

The Java program converts positive or negative decimal into binary numbers. For simplification. It is limited to binary 4 bits conversion. therefore, a decimal positive value must be between [0 to 8] and negative value between [-1 to -7].

import java.util.Scanner;

public class SignDecimal 
     public static String int2binary(int decval)
        StringBuffer sbuf =new StringBuffer();
        int nbits=4;
       for(int n=0;n<nbits;n++) 
        sbuf.append( decval % 2 ) ;
        decval = decval /2;      
       return sbuf.reverse().toString();
    public static void main(String[] args) 
      Scanner sc=new Scanner(;
      System.out.println("signed and unsigned decimal to Binary Conversion");
      System.out.println("Enter Integer between [-7 to 8] ");  
      int val=sc.nextInt();
      String binary="";
     if ( val < 0  ) 
       int val2 = Math.abs(val);
    System.out.println("Integer value :" + val);
    System.out.println("Binary Bits : " + binary);      



signed & unsigned Decimal To Binary Conversion - Java program output

signed & unsigned decimal to Binary Conversion
Enter Integer between [-7 to 8] 
Integer value :-6
Binary Bits : 1010

signed & unsigned decimal to Binary Conversion
Enter Integer between [-7 to 8] 
Integer value :6
Binary Bits : 0110


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