
Java program Roots of Quadratic Equation

The solution or root of quadratic equation is found by the Java programming code. The equation coefficient a,b,c are inputs and returns x1 and x2 are roots of the equation.

Quadratic Equation and Solution

Quadratic Equation - Java programming code

The Java program is to find root of quadratic equation. The coefficients of the quadratic equation are input of the program. They are read from user at run time and returns solutions x1 and x2 as root of the quadratic equation.


public class QuadtraticEqu {
  public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
   InputStreamReader dis =new InputStreamReader ( );
   BufferedReader br =new BufferedReader(dis);
   System.out.println("Root of Quadratic Equation");
   System.out.println("Enter value for a");    
     String  arg1 =br.readLine();
     int a = Integer.parseInt(arg1);
     System.out.println("Enter value for b");
     String  arg2 =br.readLine();
     int b = Integer.parseInt(arg2);
     System.out.println("Enter value for c");
     String  arg3 =br.readLine();
     int c = Integer.parseInt(arg3);
     double tmp =b*b - 4*a*c;
     double tmp2 = 2.0*a;     
       if ( tmp>0 ) {      
    double x1  =  (-b + Math.sqrt(tmp) ) / tmp2;
    double x2  =  (-b - Math.sqrt(tmp) ) / tmp2;
    System.out.println(" Root of the Equation is x=" + x1 +"," +x2  );
      else {         
   String xtmp =  -b + "+sqrt("+ tmp +")i/" + 2*a;
   String xtmp2 =  -b + "-sqrt("+ tmp +")i/" + 2*a;
       System.out.println("Root of the Equation is x="+xtmp+"\t"+xtmp2);      

Quadratic Equation - Java program output

Root of Quadratic Equation
Enter value for a
Enter value for b
Enter value for c
 Root of the Equation is x=-0.5,-1.0


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